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Sharkwater Movie Poster

4.22 / 5

User rating: 4.22

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  • User rating: 4.22 72.30%
  • User rating: 4.22 9.32%
  • User rating: 4.22 1.48%
  • User rating: 4.22 1.90%
  • User rating: 4.22 15.00%

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User review rating: 0 April 02, 2007

This story reminds us that we only have so much time and energy in our lives and we need to be wise to invest them in the things of true importance. extinction lasts forever.

User review rating: 0 April 02, 2007


User review rating: 0 April 02, 2007

It is very rare that you come across a movie so true to real life without any prejudice. This movie is simply beautiful and portrays the myths of sharks being ruthless and meaningless killers. People must act now to save these beautiful creatures before it`s too late. EVERYONE MUST SEE THIS MOVIE and TRY TO STOP THIS INHUMANE ACT OF RUTHLESS KILLING!!

User review rating: 0 April 02, 2007


User review rating: 0 April 01, 2007

This is an excellent movie. Visually stunning, educational, and important for all to see.

User review rating: 0 April 01, 2007

My name is Kyra I am 6 years old. I swam with a nurse shark in the Grand Caymans Island. It was really great. Ithink that you should change the language to all the countries that kill sharks and eat shark fins. So they might change there ways and not kill,eat sharks.It should be in all the schools to show children the mean things people are doing to sharks so they can speak up.I have a sister whos 4 years old and liked the movie too. Thank you for the movie now I know people are killing sharks.

User review rating: 0 April 01, 2007

My husband and I saw this movie on Saturday night and it's all we can talk about. We had no idea that this was happening to sharks, and in such devistating numbers. We have been moved to action. Thank you for making this movie. Thank you for showing us the truth.

User review rating: 0 April 01, 2007

the best movie i've seen in a while hope it puts the shark hunters underwater forever. hey that's an idea take them diving with you get them to hug a shark ya that's a idea.

User review rating: 0 April 01, 2007

I myself am a shark lover and this film left me absolutly speechless, a must see for EVRYONE. How greedy can humans possibly be??? Keep up the good work.

User review rating: 0 April 01, 2007

Shark water is a riveting mind bender for the thought that we are fools for ever beleiving thatwe were going to live forever..Sharks control our ecosystem and its already out of balance.. This movie has opened eyes the world wide and should be taken as a real event and on a real planet that requires our care and love. We are our own dimise...

User review rating: 0 April 01, 2007

It's something I didn't know was going and I'm glad you made this film. It gets people talking and it gets them passionate enough to start making a fuss and THAT is when change happens. You're rocking the boat and that's what this world needs right now. Thank you for making this film.

User review rating: 0 April 01, 2007

Rob Stewart and his team deserve yet another award for their superbly crafted message about the peril we all face if we continue to persecute the sharks, disturbing the precious equilibrium of the Oceans. Jeff Rona's soundtrack is magical - perfectly complementing outstanding cinematography. Sharkwater will find its place in history alongside that other masterwork on conservation issues, 'An Inconvenient Truth..'.

User review rating: 0 April 01, 2007

thanks so much for making this incredible movie.

User review rating: 0 March 31, 2007

This movie was AMAZING!!!!!! It left such a big inpact on me and I will never forget it! I've always wanted to save the animals that lived on land but I never before thought of the ones that lived under the water. This was the best documentary that I have ever seen> NOt only was it interesting, it was suspensful!!

User review rating: 0 March 31, 2007

The best movie I've ever seen in my life!!! It gives an amazing message that everyone needs to see, and even though before the movie I was aware of almost everything it said, I'm so glad that someone's telling the world about it!

User review rating: 0 March 31, 2007

one of my dreams is to PROTECT SHARKS and show to the World how beautiful, amazing, great swimmers,and powerfull creatures they are. Sharks deserves all our respect and space to be free in the ocean. Rob Stewart GOD BLESS YOU for this magnificent information to those people that still they dont't understand for example.,how a person like me I could love sharks so much and one day I would like to be in a TEAM like yours defending them with all my heart. Rob please don't give up still is a lot to go and teach. If you would like to have somebody new in your team don't hesitate and write to me @: [email protected] THANK YOU ROB -INCREDIBLE -THUMBS UP FOR OUR TORONTONIAN =) Missis

User review rating: 0 March 31, 2007

the movie was great. I always thought that sharks do kill a lot of people like what the media says until I saw this movie. It made me chaged my mind. If you are reading this and u haven't seen the movie. YOU MUST see it. It's really disturbing how they treat these wonderful creatures. Everyone is responsible to do something to stop it..

User review rating: 0 March 31, 2007

GOOD movie

User review rating: 0 March 31, 2007

I didn't leave the theatre until the lights came on! Humans are so barbaric! When are we going to wake up? Will we ever change? Everyone must see this movie. EVERYONE

User review rating: 0 March 31, 2007


User review rating: 0 March 30, 2007

The film was eye opening...and fabulous...proud to be Canadian!

User review rating: 0 March 30, 2007

I love sharks, having been in the water with them several times. And while I've known about shark finning, I never knew it was so bad in North/South America. Glad to see someone making a realistic film about sharks and finning, and to see someone step up to the plate to take it on. Great movie, and a great way to see the non-Hollywood version of the shark.

User review rating: 0 March 30, 2007

Boy what a terrible world we live in. How can man be so greedy for money? It's so sad to see man doing terrible things to such animals. What can we do when mankind has their minds closed and the 3rd world countries have no education to learn about the world - how we are destroying it and yes I can account for North America for being a big part of global warming and a big part of the disaster. When will we ever learn? I will definitely put something up on our website to support, global warming, saving sharks, but not just that, saving this world. But man must come to realize this, otherwise the world will end up being destroyed. What will happen when the time comes and we have no oxygen to b

User review rating: 0 March 30, 2007

Awesome! Save the sharks!

User review rating: 0 March 30, 2007


User review rating: 0 March 30, 2007

I'm only 17 years old but I've loved the ocean as long as I can remember, particularly sharks. I learned to dive as soon as I was able and I was always trying to convince everyoe that sharks aren't really the way most people think of them. I always saw the shark movies and found them funny because of how outrageously wrong they were. Anyways I think it's SO amazing that someone's finally made a movie that will show people how wrong they are and that something needs to be done NOW about this. It actually brought tears to my eyes at some of the things I saw of people finning sharks and peoples blatant disregard for the planet. I'm going into marine biology myself so that maybe I can also

User review rating: 0 March 30, 2007

wow this looks good. I can't believe that humans would do that to such a beautiful animal. I am very happy that Rob has decided to add this to his film

User review rating: 0 March 30, 2007

This great gift from Rob has shown us that under water there is life and it is beautiful and we humans are too ignorant too appreciate the envoroment in and out of the water, and we must start carring abou tour planet, and sharks are very important to our planet, GREAT MOVIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

User review rating: 0 March 30, 2007

I am a sharkdiver, cage, no cage you name it I'm there !!! Loved the movie, amazing underwater shots. Thank you so much Rob. I had no idea how bad we need to save them and bring awareness. Thumbs up to our Torontonian.

User review rating: 0 March 30, 2007

This documentary was very educational. I was truly touched by what I saw and learned; therefore I will do everything I can to pass this message to everyone I know. People need to take serious action b4 it’s too late.

User review rating: 0 March 29, 2007

What an awesome achievment in film making and so honest and passionate something not seen much anymore. You are a HERO Rob like Paul Watson and Sea Shepherd

User review rating: 0 March 29, 2007

We, as humans, embody the definition of ignorance.

User review rating: 0 March 29, 2007

Sharkwater was a thought provoking look into the world as we DON'T know it. An excellent film with meaning and courage. It's time everyone saw films like this, interesting and beneficial to the planet.

User review rating: 0 March 29, 2007

This movie is long overdue. I have been with sharks myself while diving and the experiences were nothing short of "awe". We humans must learn that the natural world we protect will be the natural world we benefit by. We must convince those who would exploit sharks that it is not a self sustainable resource ,with the rate of killing far exceeding replenishment.

User review rating: 0 March 29, 2007

Sharkwater is powerful and heartbreaking and everyone should see it. It open my eyes to a whole new meanings.. I pay my respects to all that worked on Sharkwater. It is hard to stand for something you belived in and you guys did it. So thank you...

User review rating: 0 March 28, 2007

Great movie. Congratulations to Rob doing such a fine job of getting the point across, as well as showing the world the beauty he set out to do. Well done. A must see for all ages.

User review rating: 0 March 28, 2007

This can not be just a fleeting feeling of injustice. Call your local restaurant and ask if they serve shark and explain that it is not in their best interest to do so. Challenge the media when they hype shark attacks. If there are dollars at stake, unfortunately, people begin to listen.

User review rating: 0 March 28, 2007

i think this movie certainly deserves 5 stars, this movie really changed my life and how i think about sharks! I love how sharks do not want to hurt us and i am glad to have them in this world. I hope that people who are ILLEGALY longling will realise that by killing sharks they are actually killing themselves, but anyway, 5 stars to this documentary... amazing! Soccergirl

User review rating: 0 March 28, 2007

This movie is amazing. I've spread the word to all my friend and everyone has loved it. We especially like the challenge to speak up about the issue and force policy makers to act!!

User review rating: 0 March 28, 2007

I have been a huge shark fan for years. Seeing the harsh reality of thier demise in the movie SHARKWATER breaks my heart. It's not hard to boycott the restaurants in Toronto that support the serving of shark fin soup as there are so many others to choose from. I think we should all make a conscience effort to stop this madness and educate ourselves on the ultimate outcome of wiping out the shark population. I believe that they wouldn't have survived this long if they weren't meant to, but who knew MAN could be so destructive and so senseless to destroy thier own planet. I am harrasing everyone i know to go out and watch this movie......and to also visit the website and pledge!

User review rating: 0 March 28, 2007

I love the sharks, i live in Denmark, and i will love if it comes to Denmark, it sounds like a nice movie :-) FTS

User review rating: 0 March 28, 2007

I was telling my friend how good this movie is and now she wants to see it too, so I`m going to see it again!

User review rating: 0 March 28, 2007

I loved the movie. It urged me to e-mail the "Outdoor Life Network" to cancel the show "Shark Hunters". I think everybody should write to them as well.

User review rating: 0 March 27, 2007

I have the utmost respect for those who have the courage and the inner voice to take action and make a difference on a global scale. Sharkwater reminds us that there is a harmonious and balanced underwater world surrounding us which we can turn to for guidance, healing and life sustaining forces. My version of a perfect world is when people opt to spend time in the ocean playground, feel the calm and unity, be a part of the world that flows with unity. I was moved to tears when I realized that my children may only know sharks as we know dinosaurs - as mythical extinct beings. Sharks have fought to be here and they deserve to be here. The world as we know it depends on it. Rob

User review rating: 0 March 27, 2007

A saddened statement about humanity and its "evolution". Yet, a true testimonial to the power of individual leaders and advocates to impact positive social change. Bravo to Rob and his team for raising awareness about such a neglected issue. Beautiful cinematography -- and thoughtful narration. A must see!

User review rating: 0 March 27, 2007

This movie has changed my life. I absolutely love sharks now! Thank you Rob Stewart for showing people this documenterary! AMAZING

User review rating: 0 March 27, 2007

When I first saw Sharkwater advertised it did not appeal to me. I thought "here's another ocean flim, like all the rest". Then I saw a new trailer for the film and realized that it was going to be one of my must see movies for the season. I wasn't dissapointed. Sharkwater is powerful and heartbreaking. I remember diving and seeing my first shark. It was so surreal. Being made aware of what is going on around the world to these amazing creatures, all for their fins, makes me sick. I urge everyone to see this film and recommend it to others. I hope people can come together and stop this devastation. I will never view sharks the same way....thank you Rob Stewart for opening our eyes

User review rating: 0 March 27, 2007

I saw the movie Sharkwater at the Boston Sea Rovers and can honestly say I haven't slept well since. As the moments pass away during the day, I am constantly aware of the senseless killing of more sharks. My 1st open water dive unintentionally turned into a "shark dive". Words fail me to describe the beauty and peace I felt being submerged in their world. Thanks to this film, I hope others will reconsider our role on earth and how we treat our oceans and life itself.

User review rating: 0 March 27, 2007

Hello coming the Film to Europe (Germany/Italy...) ???

User review rating: 0 March 27, 2007

The movie was amazing.

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