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Sharkwater Movie Poster

4.22 / 5

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  • User rating: 4.22 9.32%
  • User rating: 4.22 1.48%
  • User rating: 4.22 1.90%
  • User rating: 4.22 15.00%

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User review rating: 0 April 27, 2007

We humans should learn to behave like animals.

User review rating: 0 April 27, 2007

Great documentary. Very upsetting but also very educational. Worth watching on the big screen for the cinematography

User review rating: 0 April 26, 2007

It was such an eye opener for me and my son who 6. I have a fear to Great whites, but I would never wish this upon them. It make me sick to know that this is happening to beautiful creatures around the world. We want the sharks to be here for our childrens children. FIGHT FOR THE SHARKS!!!!

User review rating: 0 April 26, 2007

i loved the movie i thought trying to stop people from killing sharks is great

User review rating: 0 April 26, 2007

I loved it. Amazing photography and the music was great! It was impressive to see Rob swimming among the sharks. Good creatures! I will help preserve them!

User review rating: 0 April 26, 2007

From beginning til end of the movie, I just held my self not to cry after seeing all these unfair ignorant human act which is unacceptable. I admire Rob Stewart's effort and time for showing all these things which are extremely important for gathering together and helping eachother to stop those crimes to be able to save our planet and giving the exactly right to the animals which they deserve more than people !!!!!!! Thank you so much for this opportunity making our voice heard by people.

User review rating: 0 April 24, 2007

SHARKWATER it’s profound, beautiful and inspiring …for anyone!!! As a Scuba Diver I now feel lucky when I see a shark and also it’s a privilege!

User review rating: 0 April 23, 2007

Bravo Bravo Bravo! More movies should be made in bringing out these issues in our not so perfect world. Coruption, short term greed and irreversible destruction. Man is the stupidest aniomal that has ever lived on earth. Great movie!!!

User review rating: 0 April 22, 2007

"I have been shocked after going to see an Amazingly Powerful MOVIE called "SHARK WATERS" and seen the senseless destruction of a Great Fish that has ruled the oceans for over 400 million years to our mere 2 million years on this planet. Go see this movie, its main objective is to have the sharks of the ocean protected from this sad ignorant destruction for its Fins to be in soups for an old senseless tradition that has now forced people to fish out and cut off the sharks fins and dump their living bodies back into the oceans by the 10's of thousands. Many other ocean creatures are being caught on these lines and dying as well. This Movie teaches us more about the unknown

User review rating: 0 April 22, 2007

It was support them, I did!

User review rating: 0 April 22, 2007

Quite an eye-opener!As a diver I have experienced the thrill and beauty of seeing sharks in their own environment. The numbers you present are mind boggling and extremely disturbing. Your film has made an impression. It is so sad that as a species we humans have placed material wealth so far ahead of environment that we will wipe out resources, species, and the planet for gain. A very sad inditement. Films bringing these points home :"An Inconveient Truth", Manufactured Landscape", "Blood Diamond", Sharkwater.

User review rating: 0 April 22, 2007

this movie broke my heartto see what was going on behind the scenes we don't just have glbaol issues we have human issues and I started to cry. I hated sharks before but now I appreciate them.

User review rating: 0 April 21, 2007

Best documentary I've seen. It really wakes you up to whats going on with our ecology. Everyone should see this movie

User review rating: 0 April 21, 2007

I saw sharkwater last night and was moved to tears. There are only 3 movies I tell people are a must watch because they will open your eyes and make you think. 2 areMichael Moore and now Sharkwater. Thanks to Rob Stewart for following his passion to enlighten and educate the misinformed public on an injustice that need to be addressed and resolved. Proving once again that money and corruption can destroy impoverished peoples morals. I have spent time in Costa Rica and found the Tiko's took huge pride in their ecology and wanted nothing more than to protect it, and I was proud to see the masses rally to protect their most precious gifts. Proof that public outcry and shame can help change

User review rating: 0 April 21, 2007

I went to see your movie and I absolutely loved it. It was a breathtaking experience which has changed the way I will forever look at sharks. I knew they were special, elegant, and graceful creatures which roamed the seas, but i never, for a second, would have guessed the trouble they are in. I love sharks and this movie has only deepened my love for these beautiful creatures. I think that what you did was amazing. It was by far the BEST DOCUMENTARY that I have ever seen.

User review rating: 0 April 21, 2007

Hello ! Nice to meet you at the Jules Vernes Festival ! Go on and take care !

User review rating: 0 April 20, 2007

An outstanding Canadian triumph of independent film-making. The realities of the threat to our Oceans - and especially the World's sharks - are clearly portrayed. A magical soundtrack beaufifully complements a superb piece of work

User review rating: 0 April 20, 2007

Sharkwater is a very spectacular, beautiful, human,amazing, and breathtaking film I saw in Jules Verne awards in Paris. We have seen on the stage Rob Stewart and It is wonderful to see how the sharks have a wrong reputation in the world and also it is terrible to see the hunters. Jean-Claude

User review rating: 0 April 19, 2007

Defenetly THE best movie Ive Ever seen!!!

User review rating: 0 April 19, 2007

I have loved sharks since I can remember and I never in my entire life thought anyone cared like I do. I was wrong. Sharkwater is the best film I've ever seen. Its Amazing, Thrilling and a masterpiece.

User review rating: 0 April 19, 2007

I heard Rob Stewart talk at my school because he used to go there and he just completely blew me away. It turned out that I saw the documentry and it completely amazed me. I now want to save every shark out there but instead I had to settle with writing a speech on it. I hope everyone who hears it will go out and see the movie. If you read this and you haven't see the movie I advise that you Do!!!!!!! My rating is 10/10

User review rating: 0 April 19, 2007

I have dove myself with these majestic deplete our waters of such an amazing gift is just unthinkable, we will suffer the irreversible repercushions if we do not take action now. I recommend taking your children to see this enlighting movie, I did, and the future needs to be protected and the adults of the future need to be informed.

User review rating: 0 April 18, 2007

Amazing documentary. Very well done and so brave. Thanks to Rob Stewart for all of his efforts by showing to entire world how cruel things have been going on on sharks adn undersea world. THIS IS TIME RIGHT NOW TO DO SOMETHING ALL TOGETHER !!!

User review rating: 0 April 18, 2007

From beginning til end of the movie, I just held my self not to cry after seeing all these unfair ignorant human act which is unacceptable. I admire Rob Stewart's effort and time for showing all these things which are extremely important for gathering together and helping eachother to stop those crimes to be able to save our planet and giving the exactly right to the animals which they deserve more than people !!!!!!! Thank you so much for this opportunity making our voice heard by people.

User review rating: 0 April 17, 2007

It is wonderful to finally see someone caring about the top predators. All the "fluffy" animals are important but everyone forgets about what the ocean has to offer and what it means to the planet. Great works and sharks are wonderful creatures.

User review rating: 0 April 17, 2007

sharkwater was an amazing documentary. I applaud Rob Stewart for his efforts! I was into the film the whole way!

User review rating: 0 April 17, 2007

Great film. Clear message: Sharks are beautiful. They are not blood-thirsty man-eaters. We are killing them off for some their fins which are mistakenly believed to have some hokey medicinal power. As the top predators of the sea, they are crucial to marine ecology. Marine ecology is crucial to HUMAN LIFE due to the oxygen produced. Conclusion is we must help these animals. They really are like big cats. Curious, beautiful, awe-inspiring. I work in advertising, and was so moved after seeing the film that I am lobbying to get my agency involved.

User review rating: 0 April 17, 2007

One of the best documentaries ever created. I now view sharks in a completely different way. Before I was part of the ignorant population who feared sharks. Now thanks to Rob Stewart and all the others who helped in the film, I see sharks for there true beauty. Such n important and beautiful creature on our planet should be protected.

User review rating: 0 April 17, 2007

Fantastic movie I hope everyone who loves sharks like i do will see this film and take action against the shark finning industry

User review rating: 0 April 16, 2007

Finally a film that portrays sharks as the magnificent creatures they are - to be admired and protected rather than feared and senselessly destroyed. Rob Stewart is an incredible artist that weaves together beautiful images with a horrendous reality and leaves us all with a critical call to action. If we are to save sharks, we must come together and act now. As a diver and a fellow lover of sharks, I have personally witnessed the critical decimation of these beautiful creatures over the last several years. I can't thank Rob Stewart enough for having the passion and perseverance to bring this cause to the masses. SEE THIS MOVIE. SEND YOUR FRIENDS. BECOME AN ADVOCATE AND MAKE A DIF

User review rating: 0 April 16, 2007

It was an incredible film. I applaud Rob Stewart for taking the innititive to get out there, and educate people about the greatly misunderstood sharks. I learned a lot from this movie, and plan on getting as many people as I can to watch it, and become aware of all that Sharkwater brings to light. Amazing cinametography, especially underwater. I had the pleasure of doing a shark dive, and it was an experiance I will never forget. Being in the presenc of such magnificant animals was breath-taking. (Literally.)

User review rating: 0 April 16, 2007

I recently saw this movie with my school for my science class. It was absolutely amazing and I would urge everyone to go and see it. The visuals were astounding. I also had the opportunity to meet Rob Stewart in person and I hope that more people will join him in helping out the shark population!

User review rating: 0 April 16, 2007

a very insightful documentary. i will never eat shark fin soup.

User review rating: 0 April 16, 2007

Amazing movie. 5+Stars! Meeting you afterwards was an added bonus Rob, thanks for the poster! n i'll definately spread the word!

User review rating: 0 April 16, 2007

Normally after a movie people leave the movie immediately. However after Shark water nobody moved. It WAS that stunning. Rob Stewart, well done. Thanks for visiting my class in Whitby too eh?

User review rating: 0 April 16, 2007

This movie, along with Al Gore`s, can profoundly alter the way we perceive our place on this planet and in our future. The quote "we are naked primates out of control" seems to describe us so crudely but accurately. Powerful and elightening. It`s a must see.

User review rating: 0 April 15, 2007

Rob Stewart is hot AND helps Sharks! MARRY ME!

User review rating: 0 April 15, 2007

I've always loved Sharks, I research them often, but i didn't know that Sharks were in this much trouble of extinction. Yes the movie was disturbing and depressing, but why not know the true facts of what is happening to them. This movie will go down in history, and hopefully, actually save the Sharks. It has changed my life. I am only 15, but I now know for sure that I will be choosing a career path that includes saving Sharks. This was a great, and inspiring film, and I think, well I KNOW, that everyone should watch the film and put a stop to Shark finning and hunting. This movie has changed my life altogether, and has changed many others. We can put a stop to Shark finning!

User review rating: 0 April 15, 2007

I want to see this movie in Mexico. quiero ver la pelicula en Mexico.

User review rating: 0 April 15, 2007

All those beautiful creatures. You could almost reach out and touch them.Keep it up Rob. You are making a difference!!!

User review rating: 0 April 15, 2007

God created sharks to be a part of the balance of this planet, we need to be a part of the solution to their demise by telling others to see this movie. It was very disturbing, as so many things are in this world right now. Rob Stewart and the Green Peace people continue to be in my Prayers since watching this show.

User review rating: 0 April 15, 2007

If I rated this movbie, it would get a 4.9 out of 5. It is extreamly touching and heart warming. I cant find the right words to discribe this film

User review rating: 0 April 15, 2007

I only have a ffew words to discribe Sharkwater... Emotional, tear jerking, stunning, beautiful and wonderful. It is defenatly THE BEST documentary I have ever seen. It really opened my eyes about sharks and what were killing them for. It is so extreamly sad that this is happening under our noses and were not doing anything to stop it because we just think its not our issue and someone else should deal with it. But it's everones issue, if we kill sharks and whipe them off the face of the earth then we will all dye. Not just the sharks. Mother nature created them for a reason, they're not a killer. this move once again was EXTRORDENARY!!

User review rating: 0 April 15, 2007

This movie is amazing! It really opened my eyes about sharks and what is happening to them. I used to be terrified of them. but now I think it would be wonderful to help protect them. Its horrible to think that people are killing them just for their fins and cartilage. Although this film was sad it was a great movie. You have to see it!

User review rating: 0 April 15, 2007

Outstanding documentary. It`s amazing how the greed of a few are destroying the earth for future generations.

User review rating: 0 April 15, 2007

I was deeply moved by this film. Education is key for change and this is only the beginning. I simply cannot understand the ignorance and wastefulness of man. These creatures amaze me and I want them to be here to amaze my children.

User review rating: 0 April 15, 2007

The movie was great. It changed my look on sharks. Finning is curl thing to do sharks.

User review rating: 0 April 15, 2007

Very enlightening movie about the importance of Sharks on earth, and our unwarranted fear of them. Excellent Film

User review rating: 0 April 15, 2007

Love it makes you think and makes me hate the people doing this for eating them and killing them. I hope that they get there`s

User review rating: 0 April 14, 2007

I think education to the Asian youth is necessary in order to end the myth of shark fin and consuming it as a status symbol or some kind of health enhancement. They are the market and with China, a population of a billion+ it makes you wonder why the demand is so high. Is there a china town near you??

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