Angelina Jolie: Brad Pitt fears public will learn 'the truth'

Published By Tribute on Jan 05, 2017

Angelina Jolie and Brad PittNews of their divorce may have topped headlines in 2016, but if the early days of 2017 are any indication, the Angelina Jolie-Brad Pitt battle is far from over.

Shortly before Christmas, Brad came forward to slam Angelina when he said she "exposed" the pair's children "by making public the names of their therapists and other mental health professionals."

The Girl, Interrupted Oscar winner has since agreed to keep details of their divorce and custody proceedings private. But it would appear she wants one last opportunity to slam the Allied actor.

TMZ has obtained court documents that state Angelina's lawyer, Laura Wasser, believes Brad is trying to "deflect from [his] own role in the media storm which has engulfed the parties' children."

Additionally, Angelina contradicted Brad's claims that she deliberately released private details to the media, and said her former partner is "terrified that the public will learn the truth" about him.

It remains unclear at this point what she was referring to when she used the words "the truth." But one thing is clear -- many people are keen to find out. ~Matthew Pariselli

Comments & Discussion

  1. Grindal • 1/5/2017 10:01:06 AM

    I've had enough of them. It was stupid of him to get involved with this woman and now he's paying the price.

  2. Patricia12 • 1/5/2017 11:05:34 AM

    This story really won't go away, huh?

  3. Gina • 1/5/2017 11:07:44 AM

    Grindal: ditto

  4. JOE • 1/5/2017 4:13:22 PM

    Their story is no different from any one else's. Move on media. Just like they will have to. :-) Much love to them both.

  5. Catherine Ann • 1/5/2017 4:43:56 PM

    I agree with everyone! I think it was stupid of Brad to get involved with Angelina Jolie in the first place, but to do it while he was married is one of the stupidiest thing he could do. Anyone with a brain could tell she was trouble, look at her past behavior it says everything. Don't ever go by what someone says just look at their behavior and the things they do!! Angelina Jolie was trouble right from the start!! Brad Pitt was thinking not with his head!! Now he is paying for his stupidity, it is going to cost him dearly!!

  6. Kaney • 1/5/2017 7:15:26 PM

    Check out Borderline Personality Disorder, Angelina is the poster girl for this diagnostic category. Brad was sadly thinking this union was good for his career, so he was no longer Mr Aniston but became part of the dysfunctional Brangelina. I hope he can at least save Shiloh, if not the twins as well. Angie has shown that she can't really act, she fails as a director and her philanthropy is there only because she needs a profile that glorifies her.

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