The Equalizer 3

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4.02 / 5

User rating: 4.02

Based on 126 votes and 43 reviews

  • User rating: 4.02 55.56%
  • User rating: 4.02 20.63%
  • User rating: 4.02 6.35%
  • User rating: 4.02 4.76%
  • User rating: 4.02 12.70%

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Showing 1 to 43 of 43

User review rating: 4 December 09, 2023

Very good movie. I only gave it 4 stars because the idiotic scene where he begs to be killed.

User review rating: 5 November 04, 2023

Saw it with my son. We believe this is the best of the 3. Denzel is just the BEST.I want to see it again. Good storyline. Great to see Dakota again; she is such an excellent actress. Their chemistry is as good as in "Man On Fire"

User review rating: 5 October 16, 2023

Beautiful location! The mountain side villages and homes made me want to vacation there! Denzel Washington is the Equalizer! Good prevailed over evil!

User review rating: 3 October 14, 2023

Not near as good as the first two. Still enjoy his acting. Movie seemed dark throughout. Many evening or night scenes. Very graphic killings but the others had that also. We all like to see the good guy prevail. He plays the character well.

User review rating: 5 October 10, 2023

I thought it was a good ending to a great movie trilogy. Movies seem to be changing now. I noticed that there is a theme among these action movies and that is good guys don’t seem to have to wrestle with sending bad guys to jail any more which is good. The good guy doesn’t have to have the crap beat out of him before he gets the upper hand. I’ve always hated that these things as justice isn’t really justice as we know. Also good that he found a home at the end instead of going into hiding or being killed like most other heroes seem to have to do. As well, unlike the lame Bruce Willis movies, as of late, this character doesn’t look pathetic.

User review rating: 5 October 06, 2023

Great actors

User review rating: 4 October 04, 2023

Very violent but I knew that going in so I just looked away at the extreme parts. Honestly the story was good and I liked it, Probably the best in the series.

User review rating: 5 October 03, 2023

Mover action, I loved it..!

User review rating: 4 October 01, 2023

Well done, good ending to the series.

User review rating: 4 September 22, 2023

The movie had a good story line kept the audience attention. Great ending

User review rating: 5 September 18, 2023

Full of action and has a great ending, worth seeing, a little gory to a little too much.

User review rating: 4 September 15, 2023

Kept you entertained throughout the entire movie. Same director from previous Equalizer. The European scenery is nice. Don’t get too hung up if some scenes don’t make sense and you’ll have a good time. I felt I got money’s worth.

User review rating: 5 September 13, 2023

Awesome all the way through!

User review rating: 4 September 12, 2023

For a too-violent Action/Drama Fan, you will seldom find one with as much substance and Soul as THIS one. Gorgeous locations, predictable story perhaps but put another actor in it (ALL of the acting was Above avg, as was the casting) and you don't hv the same flick. Far from being 'past his prime' as some here assert, the audience GAINS from all of DW's grit, soul and Gravitas....he's the lead for a Reason, and makes the movie Real and gives it some heart & sould, as do All of the townsfolk! I'm not a huge fan of the genre, yet I liked it....a LOT! Would've Loved some hot love scenes and more Love angles tho. But that's a US film for ya' - hvy on the killing, light on the nudity & lovemaking.

User review rating: 5 September 11, 2023

Great movie! Great Actor, Denzel is the man! Going to see it again!

User review rating: 1 September 11, 2023

Denzel does that thing with his lips when he does dramatic scenes. He seems to think it's "good acting", but it's actually terrible and embarrassing. Why doesn't somebody tell him?

User review rating: 4 September 10, 2023

Very good movie. It goes back and forth between the charming, sensitive scenes and the bloody action scenes. You may feel you have seen this kind of story before but Denzel has a lot of charisma and the Italian small town is colorful.

User review rating: 4 September 10, 2023

We enjoyed it, has lots of action and great story! Love to see the bad guy lose and the good win!!!

User review rating: 5 September 09, 2023

Great movie with an actual story. Scenery was amazing. One of the best movies I have seen in a long time.

User review rating: 2 September 09, 2023

Beautiful location, but Denzil does some incredible improbabilities such as standing before the bad guys and daring them to shoot him. With reasonable action and I would have given 4 stars.

User review rating: 5 September 08, 2023

I wish real life was like much fun could we all have giving the bad guys their do. It seems to me their are more bad guys now than ever...maybe it's just me, but crime does not pay...go ahead try me tough guy, we all need a Danzel in our fake world....why not see it popcorn in USA.

User review rating: 5 September 08, 2023

I think most people under 50 will agree Washington is the best black actor of the past 30 years. i am not old enough to compare him to Poitier but he has great versatility and probably makes every film he is cast in better simply on his talent. I like his detached portrayal of the "kind hearted' killer/trained assassin in this series. I find his depth added very good as he gives you character insight and self awareness that a person who routinely puts a meat cleaver through some mafia goon's face and forehead "might not necessarily be a good man". lol. Its violent and entertaining.

User review rating: 5 September 07, 2023

Action from start to finish.

User review rating: 5 September 06, 2023

Denzel is great once again.

User review rating: 1 September 06, 2023

No no no

User review rating: 5 September 06, 2023

Great action revenge/ portion movie. Denzel also great actor. I go to all his movies. We need real life hero’s like him to clean up the evil in the world. Too bad man feels he must be greedy and sick in mind and heartless. So what our leaders of this world can’t do God will do in the end.

User review rating: 3 September 06, 2023

Decent, but not as good as the first two. The plot seemed simpler, a bit lazy compared to the first two

User review rating: 5 September 06, 2023

There were so many digitalized movies in last decade, tired of those movies. This one got me involved in the story immediately as it was real performance. The bad guys acted so bad and the good guys were so amazing and touching. A story made a lot of sense. Hollywood needs more movies like this.

User review rating: 4 September 05, 2023

Didn't disappoint, get ready to read sub titles. Guess what, very little cursing and no sex scenes and it was still a excellent film. take a hint Hollywood.

User review rating: 2 September 04, 2023

Drug. Long time to develop. 1 & 2 much better

User review rating: 5 September 04, 2023

Always nice to see him work. He never just phones it in.

User review rating: 5 September 03, 2023

Denzel is cooler than a mountain lion

User review rating: 1 September 03, 2023

Copious amounts of hideous violence 😖. Gratuitous piles of brutalized dead people 😱. Denzel long past his "Glory" days 😥. Ech.

User review rating: 5 September 03, 2023

Always a great actor

User review rating: 5 September 03, 2023

Great movie! Does what he does for other people in the first two movies, but also fights for a peace and place to call home.

User review rating: 1 September 02, 2023

Equalizer 1 & 2 were far better

User review rating: 5 September 02, 2023

Denzel never fails to deliver.

User review rating: 1 September 02, 2023

Denzel must need the money.

User review rating: 2 September 02, 2023

So many subtitles, you miss the subtle facial expressions in a conversation on the screen. If I wanted to read the book, I would have bought it. Audio mediocre..

User review rating: 4 September 01, 2023

What can I say. If you be bad you get whacked in some delicious painful way

User review rating: 1 August 31, 2023

I was forced to see this turkey.

User review rating: 5 August 31, 2023

Wonderful ( as usual) acting from Denzel. Was a lot of violence WHICH WE ALL LOVE TO SEE THE BAD GUYS GET IT and they got plenty of it. I won't spoil the rest but it's wonderful movie.

User review rating: 1 August 31, 2023

Why? Same old crap.

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