Jesus Thirsts: The Miracle of the Eucharist

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Jesus Thirsts: The Miracle of the Eucharist Movie Poster

4.64 / 5

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  • User rating: 4.64 7.14%
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  • User rating: 4.64 0.00%
  • User rating: 4.64 7.14%

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User review rating: 5 June 20, 2024

Beautifully made and exceptional explanation and manifestation of the word made flesh, Jesus walking and remaining here with us. My faith has been solidified and reinvigorated. If you have fallen away from the faith I invite you to see this documentary.

User review rating: 4 June 06, 2024

To the person on here who said that "the Catholics" need to read the whole Bible . . . are you kidding - or misinformed? The first editions of the Word of God, the Bible, were Greek, Aramaic & Latin. The Church translated the Bible centuries ago. At each celebration of the Mass, passages from both the O.T. & N.T. are read. In addition, many parishes hold Bible Study each week & covers both Old/New Testaments. Please don't spread negative things if you don't really know what Catholic Christians do or believe.

User review rating: 5 June 05, 2024

Loved it all. Great job, guys. I just wish I had known about it longer so I could have promoted it in my small church.

User review rating: 5 June 05, 2024

The documentary has well known Scholars, Conservative Priests, Sisters and Laity. Venerable Bishop Sheen and other historical figures in our Faith. The Mass given to us from Jesus for centuries before the Scriptures was compiled by the Catholic Church. Because Jesus keeps His promises. Matthew 28:20 BTW, DO NOT leave after the movie is finished because there is a special bonus of Our Lady of Guadalupe. (15 minutes)

User review rating: 5 June 05, 2024

Well worth seeing. So encouraging and true. How powerful the Eucharist is because it is Jesus!!!!

User review rating: 5 June 04, 2024

All the Universal (Catholicos in Greek) churches are full Bible Churches and have taught and believed for 2000 years that The Eucharist is The Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ (The Son of God). ThisTruth is Biblical and was believed for 500 yrs before The New Testament was codified by The Church founded by Jesus Christ through The Apostles and by the Apostolic Authority of The Bishops in Councils in the 4th & 5th centuries. It is this Apostolic Authority that makes The Bible (Sacred Scripture) “The Word of God”. Know the truth and the truth will set you free!

User review rating: 5 June 04, 2024

The Eucharist is Jesus’ gift of Himself for the salvation of man kind. God became man to share His Divinity. Man was made in the image and likeness of God. God is Love and he who loves is a child of God and knows God. As Christians we must be Christ to others and see Christ in others. Jesus commanded us to love one another as He has love us. Jesus tells and shows us how to share in His Divinity. This is the Good News of The New Testament and of The Old Testament. Always pray the scriptures. Don’t just read the Bible and try to determine what it means. Pray the Bible and let God The Holy Spirit lead you and reveal the Truth of The Good News. The Sacred Scriptures mean the same today as they did 2000 yrs, 1500 yrs, 1000 yrs, 500 yrs, 100 yrs ago. The meaning does not change. The Deposit of Faith will never change. It is not relative and it is not progressive. It is constant because it is the Devine Word of God.

User review rating: 5 June 04, 2024

In a world of dud and meaninglessness movies, finally a move overflowing with goodness, truth, and beauty.

User review rating: 5 June 03, 2024

To the Person who left the previous "review". There was the Church of Jesus before there was what we know as the Bible. If you truly follow the Bible why are you ignoring the very Words of Jesus. Read the Gospel of John...all of it not just the parts you like. Jesus said "unless you EAT of the flesh of the Son of Mas and Drink His blood you have no life within you..." When disciple left Him because they didn't like these words Jesus did not call then back and say He was only speaking symbolically. No, the original text states Jesus used the word chew ! He cannot lie! Jesus meant what He said. Why do you throw out the words of the scriptures you do not like. We believe what Jesus said, everything He said. Look up the Miracles and tests done on the Eucharist. Male dna, of someone tortured as Jesus was, its living cardiac tissue with living white blood cells. I will not deny my Lord with human reasonings. My God cannot lie.

User review rating: 1 June 03, 2024

The Catholics need to start reading the "whole" Bible and not just the passages that they like to refer to. the eucharist is NOT how God reaches us, the BIBLE is HIS word to us.

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