The first season of this series focuses on Heidi (Julia Roberts), who works at Homecoming, a facility run by the Geist Group. The program is supposed to help soldiers transition to civilian life. However, when Heidi's favorite patient, Walter Cruz (Stephan James), forgets his memories of combat life, and her boss, Colin Belfast (Bobby Cannavale) is thrilled by this news, she realizes there's more to the program than what she was told.
In the second season, a woman (Janelle Monáe) wakes in a rowboat adrift on a lake, with no memory of how she got there — or even who she is. Her ensuing search for her identity will lead her into the heart of the Geist Group, where everyone seems to know who she is — all of which comes as a surprise.
Director: | Kyle Patrick Alvarez, Sam Esmail |
Studio: | Amazon Studios |
Producer(s): | Marc Bienstock |
Cast: | Janelle Monáe, Stephan James, Hong Chau, Chris Cooper, Julia Roberts, Bobby Cannavale, Sissy Spacek, Alex Karpovsky, Shea Whigham, Sydney Tamiia Poitier, Joan Cusack |
Writer(s): | Micah Bloomberg, Eli Horowitz, Cami Delavigne |