Atomic! A Train of Mad Italians in China

Atomic! A Train of Mad Italians in China Movie Poster

A mad journey: 77 mental patients along with 130 health care workers, psychiatrists, relatives and volunteers, take a train from Venice to Beijing, passing through Hungary, the Ukraine, Russia and Mongolia.

Among these 200 passionate, pill-popping travelers, we meet a group of eight invincible--of different ages, roles, diagnoses--who are on a mission: they have to come up with a creative event that will involve the whole train and, once in Beijing, convey to the world the sense of this surreal but at the same time very concrete journey.

Among them, we meet the protagonists of this story who talk about themselves, swap stories, fall asleep unexpectedly, fall in love, get lost, fall out of love and find themselves again; all of which merges to show in an entirely non-linear way, that, together, change is possible.

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